Have you been to Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts? Have you strolled across the Bridge Of Flowers or climbed around on the Glacial Potholes? Have you eaten at one of the great little restaurants? I suggest that, this Friday, you take a little trip down Rt. 2 and make an evening of it. Even the short journey is nice. No matter what direction you are coming from you will be traveling among green hillsides or cold mountain streams on small roads with farm stands and trading posts. Look out for deer and bears and eagles and cows.
Shelburne Falls is just under a half an hour from my home here in Northampton but it feels like a whole different world to me.
On Friday, I'll be taking the stage all by myself at Mocha Maya's. I'll be playing a nice long set of School for the Dead, Humbert, and solo songs. I'll gladly take requests. Heck, if you want to come up and sing along, please do.
I had never been to Mocha Maya's before a few weeks ago when I went up there to see Ray Mason and Jim Armenti of the Lonesome Brothers play a show. At first, I wasn't sure what to make of it. Its a pretty tiny place with some cozy chairs facing the window where microphones were set up. A few people were milling around the coffee bar ordering hot beverages and admiring the artwork on the walls. It was hard to imagine it as much of a performance venue until all of a sudden the room filled up and the lights went down and Ray and Jim were bathed in warm colored lights as they tuned-up. The next hour or so passed quickly as they played their amazing songs and joked around with the audience. I instantly loved the place and I became very excited about my show.
If you are looking for a nice way to spend next Friday night, here's what I recommend you do:
1. Go to http://www.shelburnefalls.com and browse around a little.
2. Pick a restaurant (we ate here: http://www.cafemartin.wp.net and it was great)
3. Make a reservation if you can for 6:00 or 6:30.
4. After dinner, if you have a few minutes take a stroll to the Bridge of Flowers and check out the Glacial Potholes (Just follow the constant sound of the rushing water).
5. At a little before 8:00 head up to Mocha Maya's (all these things are in short stroll distance of each other).
6. Get yourself a nice hot beverage, pick a comfy chair and hang out with me while I play some songs.
Sounds pretty good, right? I'll be there from 8:00 to 9:30 or so, I think. So even when that's over you'll have time to explore the teeny little village some more or even head back to the real world and let the night unfold as it will.
I hope you can make it. I'd love to see you there. The show is entirely free.
Here's the website for Mocha Maya's: http://www.mochamayas.com
Thanks for all your attention and support.
Your pal,
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