Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Shmow, The Show Must Go On.

This is pretty much the scene as it'll be tonight at The Calvin Coolidge Museum in Forbes Library, Northampton. We'll probably be dressed a little nicer and looking a bit happier. Our cheeks will be rosy from the snowy outdoors. You'll be cozy and warm in the wooden room surrounded by artifacts and banners and paintings and display cases.

Jason, is currently working on getting a hot chocolate and peppermint tea thing going on for after the show. No promises.

The show starts at 7:00 and is totally free for any all who would like to attend. We'll be playing a myriad of instruments and songs from School for the Dead, The Fawns, Bourgeois Heroes, Sitting Next To Brian, and The Salvation Alley String Band.

I think it'll be a nice memorable night for all of us to gather in this strange room after the crazy first snowstorm of the year. I hope you can make it.

Here are the "venue" details: Forbes Library

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